Screaming Bean |
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Ah, a holiday weekend does a mind good. Tried not to dwell on Monday, and was somewhat successful. Also got in a round of golf, cleaned the carpets, and watched a highly illegal but very entertaining fireworks display put on by our neighbors. We all came back to work greeted with the message that we now have to bill and account for every moment we're in the office. Yeah, not too thrilled with that prospect. For instance, what code do you bill for looking for a new job? Or staring out the window? What are we, three? It's bad enough I'm being told now when I should be taking a lunch as to not impinge on other people, but now I have to account for the moments I have alone in the bathroom. And to think, I don't even work in BigLaw! So here's to the two interviews I had, including probably the shortest one I've ever had with 2 people during my lunch hour yesterday. Good opportunity, and great learning possibilities. I've got no problem with being succinct. So now I have to sit on pins and needles and wait for something to happen. And figure out what to bill this blog post to...