Screaming Bean |
Friday, June 06, 2008
Because we can't have a week without Beanie getting in trouble somehow, I bring you my latest tale of woe. Seems I don't bill enough. Now this isn't exactly a shocker, seeing as how my work goes something like this: (1) get project, (2) complete my portion of the project in a reasonable period of time, but insanely quickly by this firm's standard, (3) hand it in for review, (4) wait weeks or months for a response. I brought this up when I was told I don't bill enough. That didn't seem to matter, since the purpose of the meeting was getting me to admit that half the time I sit on my butt. As this is not a prevarication, I agreed. It's hard to do something when all your work is sitting on someone else's desk waiting for their portion of the work. It's particularly ironic for that same person to get on my case for not doing anything. The response to this issue? Don't try and fix why I'm not doing anything, give me lots of busy work that isn't billable to anyone. So now I have an arm's length list of "busy" work that won't serve any purpose other than to make me "busy". Yep, really makes me want to come to work. Labels: job