Screaming Bean |
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
In the last two weeks of work, I've billed less than five hours. This is not for lack of trying on my part, it's a distinct lack of things to do. When your boss holds all your work for review and doesn't get back to you, you sit around on your butt. Finally yesterday at 5pm, I was given a new task. I'm not in a good mood about any of this. I have a feeling when hours are looked at, I'm going to get crap for not billing. And of course, that will cause me to get defensive about the fact you can only bill if you have work. There's far too much drama here for such a small office. So instead, I'll do the new task and keep my mouth shut...and wait for the new crisis to rear its ugly head. It happens here with frightening frequency. Labels: job