Screaming Bean |
Friday, March 02, 2007
First off, go to Magic Cookie and congratulate her on her brand new baby boy! Even with a C-section, she found the time to blog from the birthing center to show us his first pictures. That's just damn impressive. Second, it's icy-snowing-raining, and I'm at work. Why? Because I actually live near work, unlike most of my fellow employees. They're all hanging out at home except my boss, and I'm at work, doing work things. I should get hazard pay. No one is making them live out in the sticks. It's just a convenient excuse. Grr. Third, it's Friday. I have new phones. They were just delivered to me by FedEx. Of course the accessories packet that was supposed to be with the phones isn't. Separate cover? Who knows. I'm finally coming into the age of camera phones...luckily for me I never go to court, so camera phones aren't a problem. Yeah for new stuff!