Screaming Bean |
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Why is that I can never have a normal job searching experience? No, none of my interviews ever come out quite right, though not for a lack of trying on my part. Take yesterday. I arrive a wee bit early, and when I'm brought into the office it turned out to be a conversation not an interview. The attorney talked about the office, what they did (everything), told me what I'd do (everything), and then pretty much said, "So, when can you start?" No talk of benefits, what would happen if I passed the bar/or didn't, just a very low hourly rate and that tomorrow would be good. I found myself scrambling for words. I might be a temp, but I'd have to give notice. That didn't go over well. And that's when it hit me...I wasn't interviewed at all, the plan was merely calling me in to the office to see that I wasn't a freak and offering me the job. Whomever willing to take the wage (and since a misread of my resume made it seem like I wasn't working) and was desperate enough to start tomorrow would get the gig. I bought myself until this morning to decide. Of course, the more I talked about it after the fact, the less I actually wanted the job. When I asked the question as, "If I gave notice tomorrow at work, would I have a job in two weeks?" and really didn't get a straight answer, I had pretty much made my decision. The kicker? When I called this morning to explain my decision...I got an answering machine, not a person. So much for having to have to know by 10:00 a.m. It's back to the drawing board for Beanie.