Screaming Bean |
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
It's Tuesday, and do you know where your air conditioning is? Today is the day when the world melts. Of course I won't see it, since I have no windows, but come lunchtime I'm going outside to see it first hand. I just keep praying that the power holds out. I live in fear of power outages. Of course, it's not like an EMP and I won't be able to drive my car, but somewhere in the back of my illogical mind I think that somehow I'll be trapped wherever I am if the power goes out. Being in a multi-story office building adds to my fear. I'm a horribly phobic person, what can I say. Car washes, bridges, lack of electricity, ants, and needles. Yup, those are just the ones I think of off the top of my head. What sort of irrational fears do you have weighing you down? Update: Holy crap is it hot out. I've been pretty chilly here in law land, and thought that perhaps like yesterday the warmth would feel slightly good. Instead it went something like this: walk through the door, gasp, realize there is no more oxygen, wonder what to do now. And could Dunkin Donuts have picked a better day to give away free iced coffee? I think not.