Screaming Bean |
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Day two in the bag. I must admit it's a damn good thing the acoustics in the room are so bad, otherwise I would have gotten kicked out a long time ago for muttering expletives under my breath. Today was Wills and Domestic Relations. And I actually knew these two since I took a course on each one. I even got to stand and deliver regarding the residence requirements for a matrimonial action. And yes I did it without looking. Although I nearly told her to go to hell first. It's the demeaning nature of the whole thing. When she informs the Japanese student who can barely speak English that he's "not ready for prime time," I just want to hit her. Is it truly necessary to keep informing us over and over again that we're nearly out of time? We know that, and yet we're putting up with her. So, I listen to my iPod during the breaks and get all punchy and go back to it. And right now I'm supposed to be memorizing other crap for tomorrow. Yeah, so not doing that. Screw you! Screw you I say!