Screaming Bean |
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
There's been one good thing about me not working. I don't use that much gas. I never go anywhere. Last night it was $2.69 a gallon. The spouse needed to fill the car. The excuses about the price of gas become more varied by the day. Instability in the Middle East. Possible shortages of ethanol. Someone looked at the Exxon Tiger funny. It's all a big conspiracy, and I don't care if you think I'm nuts. The way I see it, we'll be at $3.00 by Memorial day, and if they can push it, $4.00 by Labor Day. Why? Because Brazil has become gas independent. They use nothing but their own self-produced sugarcane ethanol. These gas companies have to make up the money somewhere. It's you and me. So get ready to dig even deeper, and watch the economy go in the toilet in the process.