Screaming Bean |
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Seems sometime about 5pm last evening the standard SBA meeting somehow became a forum with the Dean. Seeing as I had been home for hours I didn't feel the need to burn even more gas in order to participate. Hearing the fallout, I almost wish I had gone. Key word being almost, since I don't normally seek out confrontations, they make me uncomfortable for all involved. Supposedly the discussion revolved around graduation plans. Seeing as how until 2 days ago we didn't know who our speaker was, the Dean was questioned at length regarding this decision. He in turn informed the group that it was a secret decision about which he could not speak. What did they do, elect a Pope? This wasn't a conclave, it was a graduation speaker. Also, it was stated that as a class we're seen as a lost cause as far as alumni fundraising is concerned and that we'll be treated as such. I say we make this a self fulfilling prophecy. The Dean on the whole has treated our class as the ugly stepchild, and these comments have proven as much. Just give me the floppy hat, the correct robes and the damn degree and let me get out of here. (Yeah...last year's class? They had undergrad robes because the school screwed up.)