Screaming Bean |
Friday, December 10, 2004
Two down, two to go. Last night I was up until 2:30am putting together the perfect outline to complement my other perfect outline for Evidence. Did it work? Oh, I think it did. It was straight forward enough, 30 questions in which you had to give a yes or no answer and justify yourself. In reality, it was effectively writing 30 small essays about the vagaries of character evidence, business record exceptions, and prior convictions. In four hours. Yes, I wrote like a fiend. I finished in 3 hours. I did not get up during the experience, nor did I stop writing more than a minute at a time. I know people that won't finish that test. The two outlines saved my butt. While the one was professor specific, sometimes you needed the bigger overview one to understand the rule. Put the two together and you had magic. I didn't even bring the textbook. I wouldn't have had time to look at it had I needed to. Now if the last two exams could work as smoothly as this one...that would be least for me.