Screaming Bean |
Thursday, December 02, 2004
It's the last day of classes today. I'm in total denial about it all. I wish I could jump on my burning, flying shark and forget exams all together. I even went to look up audita querela, but decided that I couldn't spare the brain cells to decipher what I read. I have State Practice on Tuesday next week, Evidence on Friday and lots of work between now and then. After I get done with Evidence I'll look at the last two exams, but not before. In the meantime, I'm getting myself drawn into the time suck that is early registration. When you decide you have to create a spreadsheet to illuminate class choice and time conflicts, you're wasting time on a whole new level. Add in the unknown of registering on the web and a 6:00pm time frame on the opening, I say we'll crash the whole damn server. I've got my password and I'm not afraid to use it!