Screaming Bean |
Monday, November 08, 2004
It's Monday again. The Mondays are growing short for this semester. Perhaps its this reason that I can't sleep at night. For the last 2 1/2 weeks, I go to bed only to wake up multiple times during the night. 2am, 4:15am, or somewhere in between, I bolt awake and then curse the darkness. I've been trying multiple things to solve this problem, staying up real late to be real tired, getting up real early so I'll exhaust myself over the course of the day, new pillows, old pillows, my spouse's pillows... But I tried something new last night, a good stiff drink. And the first time I woke up last night was 6am. I think I may be on to something here...or on my way to lascivious living. Either way, it sounds like a winning combination.