Screaming Bean |
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I sometimes doubt what it is that I'm doing in law school. I used to have panic attacks about this as a 1L, but even now as a 3L I have moments of grave self doubt. Occasionally, a moment will arise where I have an instance of clarity and realize that perhaps I haven't chosen incorrectly. I had one of those instants Tuesday night during Inns of Court. Our group was putting on the "display", a pre-trial conference. Having never attended a pre-trial conference, the students were at a loss as to what actually was going to happen. The attorneys who had prepared us gave us an idea, but having an unknown third party (a judge) thrown into the mix, anything could happen. I prepped strongly with my partner. She was handling offer figures, I handled the fact pattern. I had a timeline. I had pages of notes. I had drafted a small opening statement. I was seated for our part of the conference for all of two minutes. Looking back I suppose I should have been angry about having thrown as much time as I had at the problem. However, instead I feel quite differently. This conference was held in front of an audience of peers, attorneys, and judges. I should have been freaked out. When I sat down at the desk the world dropped away. It was us, our adversaries and the judge. I felt no fear. I knew what I had to do and did it. Perhaps it wasn't the most realistic conference ever, but we did a good job. Maybe this lawyer thing wasn't a bad idea after all.