Screaming Bean |
Monday, October 18, 2004
I normally swear in my car. Hell, I swear like a longshoreman when there's no one with me. (Note: This is not a sign of anti-union bias, but rather a long standing example of those who use profanity profusely.) There are a few things that have been happening to me on a regular basis that need to be addressed. First, if there's a turning lane, one marked with a curvy arrow pointing elsewhere, that means one is supposed to head in that direction upon given the opportunity to do so. This is not a time to be creative. Putting on a left direction while sitting in a right turning lane causes consternation and confusion to those of us who are not feeling particularly psychic. Further, in the same turning vein, if you're driving down a four lane city street there really isn't any reason to think that you're driving a tractor trailer. By that I mean, do not swing into my lane in order to get that big honking Accord around that curve. While you may believe that you're hauling phantom doubles, you're not. And once again, thank you for your support.