Screaming Bean |
Saturday, June 19, 2004
It's been an interesting week. I submitted my bids for fall classes, only to find at the rate that I'm going I'd only need 7 credits in the spring. I need 10 every semester regardless for residency requirements, so I'll probably cut back my current 16 credits scheduled. As it stands currently I'm looking to take Evidence, State Practice, Estate Planning, Criminal Procedure Survey, and Matrimonial Law. One of the two last ones will probably get dropped, but we'll see. Nothing too crazy, just standard Bar fare. You may say, "But Beanie, isn't this presumptious by predicting what you'll be doing in the fall as well as the spring?" Prior to yesterday I would have agreed, but I found out from the Registrar (who seemingly takes pity on me and my panic) that I'm in good standing! I'm coming back for round three. I'm sore from working out, pleased about school (until I get the actual grades) and watching Formula One. Life is good.