Screaming Bean |
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Street signs are everywhere. Some are informational, some are scolding. However, they need to be followed. The signs do not have your name on them personally, yet somehow you really need to heed the signs. For instance, when it says "State Law - Do Not Block Side Street" it means don't block the side street. It really doesn't need to say "Hey Bob", or "Hey You In The Buick", it just says don't do it. If it says yield...yield. Do not speed up. Stop is a lovely red sign, and if it says it's an all way stop, it means you too. While I believe that my car may be invisible (I'll really try not to buy another car in white or silver) I do have a horn and am not afraid to use it. In the meantime, read the signs. This being said, do not hit your brakes in the fast lane on an interstate at 75 mph to read the signs. It causes the drivers behind you to have a panic attack. That is all.