Screaming Bean |
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Sua Sponte has taken to discussing the pros and cons of anonymity in blogging. As anyone who reads me I take great pride in my anonymity. From what I know I'm the only person who blogs at my school. There are very few readers who know even my first name, let alone where I live and in some cases are unsure as to my gender. This is fine with me. While I know that this causes me to self-censor, it is not from a sense of fear or insecurity. Instead my reason is I think it takes away from what I have to say if people dwell on my school as the reason why I say what I do. I don't feel the need to advertise the legal community in which I work and go to school. Even my closest friends don't know know I do this. In fact, many people if they did find out I did this would probably have a hard time believing it was me. I guarantee my professors don't read this. Heck, I bet I only have a dozen regular readers. But that's okay. This is the longest journal I've ever kept, and I find that streak pretty darn impressive by my standard. If you're still reading this, I'm sure if you really wanted to, you could find out who I am. In the meantime, I like being Beanie.