Screaming Bean |
Thursday, October 02, 2003
I had my first moot court competition round last night. I'm torn as to how I actually did. The notes we got from the judges were all valid, and I know where my weaknesses are. I do present well, as long as I'm not reading from notes. My partner has the details for his issue so in control, he can quote judges and can argue all the points. I have the extemporaneous detail discussion down to a science, but can't quote chapter and verse at a drop of a hat. That hurts me. I've got until next Wednesday to overcome these shortcomings, and argue the other side. Dang, that is going to be hard. I hope we get into the next round. I can certainly handle constructive criticism when it's copsed in a statement beginning, "you are a natural at this." What sort of ego boost is that!