Screaming Bean |
Saturday, September 20, 2003
I know that I should comment on the cover letter cum petition that was put up on The Smoking Gun that will most likely get Matthew Toll an interview. While I give him all the props for actually showing creativity in a cover letter, I find a chunk of the petition repugnant. All sarcasm aside, the paragraphs concerning ethics and billable hours were beyond the pale. To actually come out and state that you would work within the ethical guidelines set down by the state is something that made me blink. If I were hiring, I would find his statements in the line of "he doth protest too much." It goes without saying that he would work ethically, because if he didn't I'd let him swing before a ethics committee, and it goes without saying. The following paragraph about what he'd be willing to do as a shill for the firm are downright offensive, and more so if I were the hiring coordinator. To come out and even hint that he would have to do any of the things he said in order to be a valued member of the firm is just wrong. Now this is not to say I have my head in the sand as to how Biglaw works, I know that it's not unheard of for any of those things to happen, it's another to show them to the light of day. It's one of those unsaid things. While he may feel that sarcasm or honesty is the best policy, if I received it in the mail, it'd be pitched in the trash can. Call me cynical, call me unemployed, but I agree with Jeremy, "If this guy gets a job out of this, and he probably will, there's something wrong with the world."