Screaming Bean |
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
The brief is nearly finished. While I was able to figure out Latin at 3:00 am last year, about 2:00 is the point when any sort of brief writing breaks down. I already have doubts with my writing, but 2:00 was a break point where I was stating out loud that nothing made sense anymore. Not even the Worlds Most Amazing Animals on Animal Planet. But I pressed on, somehow compelled to slog through an insane 9 part test of veracity in hearsay statements. In the end it didn't make it through my editing. I now need to call on the power of Greyskull, or the WonderTwins to figure out what the point headings should be. The mechanics of this process are beyond my ken. Question is, will I remember anything I read this morning when I have to argue this bad boy?